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AccessoLoo To Carry AED

AccessoLoo’s Social Media Manager, Graham Kenny received a heart transplant in December 2020 and is now living a fuller life as a result.

However, before his transplant, Graham lived with a permanent automatic defibrillator fitted inside is chest and had to be careful about over exertion. He often tells people how life changing it is since he received the transplant, but acknowledges that the defibrillator saved his life on many an occasion during the period it was fitted.

As AccessoLoo receives requests to attend many outdoor events across both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, we reflected on the importance and possibility of our mobile AccessoLoos carrying an automatic electronic defibrillator (AED).

Whilst many events will most likely have an AED to hand, lots of places we visit are large events covering a huge area, whilst others are smaller and possibly rural where AED’s are not readily at hand. With these scenarios in mind it was decided that it would be an excellent idea to install an AED into each of our AccessoLoo units, to be available as when needed for everyone.

Since his return to work, all of the staff have been amazed at the difference in Graham and he was personally delighted by the decision to purchase the equipment for each mobile AccessoLoo. Graham is pictured displaying holding one of the AED’s beside AccessoLoo Lilia that proudly displays the AED badge to let everyone know that we are carrying one on board.

£ Pound sterling